The original front view of the 1903 Wright Flyer, drawn by
Louis P. Christman in 1950, just after it was enshrined in
the Smithsonian.

The original side view of the 1903 Wright Flyer, drawn by
Louis P. Christman in 1950.

The original top view of the 1903 Wright Flyer, drawn by
Louis P. Christman in 1950.
WBAC Isometric Drawings

Isometric front view of 1903 Wright Flyer.

Isometric right side view of 1903 Wright Flyer.

Isometric back view of 1903 Wright Flyer.

Isometric left side view of 1903 Wright Flyer.

Isometric top view of 1903 Wright Flyer.

Isometric top view of 1903 Wright Flyer with top surfaces

Isometric bottom view of 1903 Wright Flyer.
WBAC Perspective

Perspective front view of 1903 Wright Flyer.

Perspective right side view of 1903 Wright Flyer.

Perspective back view of 1903 Wright Flyer.

Perspective left side view of 1903 Wright Flyer.

Perspective top view of 1903 Wright Flyer.

Perspective top view of 1903 Wright Flyer with top surfaces

Perspective bottom view of 1903 Wright Flyer.

Perspective front right diagonal view from above of 1903
Wright Flyer.

Perspective back right diagonal view from above of 1903
Wright Flyer.

Perspective back left diagonal view from above of 1903
Wright Flyer.

Perspective front left diagonal view from above of 1903
Wright Flyer.

Perspective front right diagonal view from eye-level of 1903
Wright Flyer.

Perspective back right diagonal view from eye-level of 1903
Wright Flyer.

Perspective back left diagonal view from eye-level of 1903
Wright Flyer.

Perspective front left diagonal view from eye-level of 1903
Wright Flyer.

Perspective front right diagonal view from below of 1903
Wright Flyer.

Perspective back right diagonal view from below of 1903
Wright Flyer.

Perspective back left diagonal view from below of 1903
Wright Flyer.

Perspective front left diagonal view from below of 1903
Wright Flyer.

Close-up perspective front right diagonal view of 1903
Wright Flyer cockpit area.

Close-up perspective back right diagonal view of 1903 Wright
Flyer cockpit area.

Close-up perspective back left diagonal view of 1903 Wright
Flyer cockpit area.

Close-up perspective front left diagonal view of 1903 Wright
Flyer cockpit area.
WBAC Perspective
Drawings with Shadows

Perspective front right diagonal view from above of 1903
Wright Flyer, with shadows.

Perspective back right diagonal view from above of 1903
Wright Flyer, with shadows.

Perspective back left diagonal view from above of 1903
Wright Flyer, with shadows.

Perspective front left diagonal view from above of 1903
Wright Flyer, with shadows.

Perspective front right diagonal view from eye-level of 1903
Wright Flyer, with shadows.

Perspective back right diagonal view from eye-level of 1903
Wright Flyer, with shadows.

Perspective back left diagonal view from eye-level of 1903
Wright Flyer, with shadows.

Perspective front left diagonal view from eye-level of 1903
Wright Flyer, with shadows.

Close-up perspective front right diagonal view of 1903
Wright Flyer cockpit area, with shadows.

Close-up perspective back right diagonal view of 1903 Wright
Flyer cockpit area, with shadows.

Close-up perspective back left diagonal view of 1903 Wright
Flyer cockpit area, with shadows.

Close-up perspective front left diagonal view of 1903 Wright
Flyer cockpit area, with shadows.
WBAC 1903 Flyer
Posters and Plans

Specifications and three-view (top, front, side) of 1903
Wright Flyer, showing the original Christman drawings. This
can be printed out as an 11" x 17" (Size B) or 17" x 22"
(Size C) poster.

Specifications and three-view (top, front, side) of 1903
Wright Flyer, showing perspective drawings. This can be
printed out as an 11" x 17" (Size B) or 17" x 22" (Size C)

Identification and explanation of the parts of the 1903
Wright Flyer. This can be printed out as an 11" x 17" (Size
B) or 17" x 22" (Size C) poster.

Measured drawings of the 1903 Wright Flyer, Plate 1 (top
view), based on the Christman drawings.

Measured drawings of the 1903 Wright Flyer, Plate 2 (front
and side views), based on the Christman drawings.
*Copyright Notice: With the exception of the
Christman drawings, which are in the public domain, these
drawings and publications are copyrighted property. They are
provide here as an educational service to students,
teachers, and scholars and you may use them freely in
educational venues (student papers, class projects, History
Day displays, etc.) provided they are not mass-produced. If
your project requires publication in an electronic media,
such as a school web site, you must preserve the copyright
notice on each image and provide a hyperlink to the Wright
Brothers Aeroplane Company web site,
www.wright-brothers.org. Several of these publications
include our trademark logo, and this may not be used outside
these specific publications without written permission of
the trademark owner, nor may the publications be reproduced
without the trademark. All other uses of these images,
whether for profit, commerce, advertisement, information,
design, or mass media (such as, but not limited to,
documentaries, non-school web sites, and textbooks) are
forbidden without written permission of the copyright owner.