The Museum

(You are here.)
How about
a little music?
We have a selection
of tunes that were popular during the
days of aviation, performed by Sue
Keller, courtesy the
Ragtime Press:

Scott Joplin 1909
Available in Franηaise, Espaρol, Portuguκs, Deutsch, Россию,
日本, and
other languages, provided your browser has an enabled Flash plug-in.
is a virtual museum of early aviation that tells the story of the
Wright brothers, the invention of the airplane, and man's first
flights. Although we focus on the accomplishments of Wilbur and
Orville Wright, that's not all we offer. The birth of aviation,
aeronautics, and the aerospace industry was a long process, lasting
over a century from 1799 to 1914. It involved not just the Wright
brothers, but the courage and creativity of many men and women
spanning several generations and many nations. Since 2000, we have
been adding and refining information at this site to tell the story
in its entirety.
Nor is this just an historical museum. The Wright
Brothers Aeroplane Company is an
educational institution whose mission is to teach the science,
technology, and mathematics on which aviation is founded as well as
its early history. And strictly speaking, we aren't historians. We
are experimental archaeologists we study history by
repeating it. We are the first group since the Wright brothers
themselves to build and test all of the Wright experimental aircraft
leading to the first practical airplane. We
do so for three reasons: (1) It gives us a unique and in-depth
understanding of the invention of the airplane, (2) the young people
for whom we have built this museum would rather participate in test
flights than just read about the history of flying, and (3) it's an
incredible amount of fun. The information in this web site relates
our own experiences as well those of the pioneer aviators we study. How the Museum is Organized
The "exhibits" in this virtual museum are
organized in several sections, each of which is further
divided so you can find what you want easily.

Seeing double? Not quite. The top photo is Wilbur Wright gliding in
October 1902. The bottom is of US Navy test pilot Lt. Cdr. Klas Ohman
flying a WBAC replica exactly 100 years later. This what
experimental archaeology is all about we study aviation history by
repeating it.
History Wing
the lives of Wilbur and Orville Wright and the development of the fixed-wing
airplane, from its first scientific description in 1799 to the first
inherently stable powered aircraft built just before World War 1.
The Wright Story A "layered" biography of the Wright
brothers, organized so you can glean as much or as little
information as you want about each phase of their lives.
A History of the Airplane Annotated timeline leading up to
and on beyond the invention of the airplane. Also offers
biographies of other aviation pioneers and accounts of early
aviation events.
Aviation's Attic A mix of the more interesting, intriguing
and unusual stories and information from early aviation.

Orville Wright, with his brother Wilbur looking on, makes the first
sustained and controlled powered flight on December 17, 1903.
Adventure Wing Offers hands on pioneer aviation experiences --
inspecting, building, and flying replicas of old aircraft. You can
conduct a virtual "walk-around" of various Wright aircraft, or
take a virtual trip to museums and historic locations that offer
information about the Wright brothers and pioneer aviation
Will & Orv's Workshop Plans and instructions for
flying models and aeronautic experiments you can perform to
better follow and understand the invention of the airplane.
- Return to Kitty Hawk Accounts of the WBAC expeditions in
aviation archaeology, how we built and flew the Wright
experimental aircraft.
- Virtual Hangar Photos of Wright aircraft replicas, taken
so you can do a virtual "walk-around," inspecting the Flyers and
gliders from all angles.
- Expeditions
Visiting the monuments and museums that
commemorate early aviation events, as well as the places where
those events happened.

US Army Apache pilot Cpt. Tanya Markow makes a test run in our 1903
Flyer during the Centennial of Flight in 2003.
& Programs Describes the non-virtual part of of museum -- our
touring exhibitions and demonstrations for museums and air shows,
proficiency-oriented school programs, even a program that lets young
people participate in the construction of the Wright airplanes.
The Secret of Flight
An exhibit (including a full-size Wright aircraft), coupled with
presentations and workshops, designed especially for schools.
Birth of Aviation Exhibition Mix and match our replicas, flight
simulators, and interactive displays to create a temporary
exhibit especially for your museum or institution.
Do-It-Yourself Flyer
Let us work with the young people and celebrities in your area
to create a precise replica of a Wright Flyer (and a lot of good
PR) for your museum.
- Past Successes
Summaries and reviews of the programs we've completed.

One of our Wright Flyer replicas now hangs in the Dayton
International Airport.
This "Centennial Flyer" carries the signatures of over 300
kids who helped build it.
Company Store
We sell some cool stuff and what aviation enthusiast wouldn't
want a personal item from the granddaddy of all aviation companies?
Besides, the proceeds of these sales help support our educational
programs and what aviation enthusiast wouldn't want to help us
inspire kids to pursue careers in aerospace?
- Plans
The results of our painstaking research into the designs and
construction methods of the Wright brothers. Many of these are
suitable for framing.
- Publications Books, posters, art prints and other
published media concerning the Wright brothers and pioneer
- The Big
Stuff Just a reminder that we also offer entertaining
and educational programs, presentation, exhibits, and
demonstration. We will also replicate any Wright aircraft or
part of a Wright aircraft for you.
- About
Our Plans How we used methods borrowed from
experimental archaeology to generate the most historically
accurate plans and blueprints you are likely to find.
Terms and Conditions The legal stuff you have to
publish when engaged in e-commerce.

Would you like to wear one of our "Wright Brothers Aeroplane
Company" logos? We can help with that.
Information Desk
To assist you in finding additional information on the
Wright Brothers and early aviation, or specific help
Wright Resources
Pioneer aviation publications, movies, archives, and links to
other web sites.
Help With Homework
Timelines, photos, and other stuff you can use to write a report
on the Wright brothers or develop a History Day project.
Just the Facts
A quick reference for facts concerning the Wright brother sand
their airplanes.
Look around, enjoy yourselves, and come back often. Please
excuse our construction in some areas. Like the airplane itself, this virtual museum is --
and always will be -- a work in progress. |

Looking for the best documentary on the
Wright brothers? Pick up "Kitty Hawk," and not just because we did the
flying for it. It's a truly great film.
How the Museum Works
Photos and Illustrations To help the information
load quickly, most photos and drawings are thumbnailed in the right-hand column.
These thumbnails are indicated by a blue border, as shown right. To see
an illustration full-size, click on its thumbnail. Use your browser's BACK
button to return to the exhibit.
Sidebars Now and then, you will come to a hand pointing to an
orange sign.
This indicates
that we have some in-depth information or interesting
trivia to share with you, should you be
Dueling Quarters
Usually, this information concerns aviation history.
Oftentimes, it will let you in on the "back story" behind an
aviation event so you can better understand it. It may also relate
Wright trivia and background information to help you better
understand the accomplishments of Wilbur and Orville Wright.
Or, it may contain historical and scientific facts that help you
better understand a pioneer aviation event or breakthrough. Click on the sign and a small box will pop up. To
remove the box, click the "X" in the upper right-hand corner and the
box will close.
IMPORTANT NOTE! Some of our virtual exhibits such as the pop-up
sidebars may not work unless
your browser is set to allow active content. Navigation
To find your way around this huge museum, refer to our
Map as you need them. You can also consult
our Museum Index for directions. To locate specific information or illustrations,
you can do a key-word search at
the Museum.
Most of our pages are available in over 50
different languages. To provide this service, we use the Google
Translation Element. Look for the translation toolbar near the
top of each page, usually right before the text begins. Click on the
arrow and a list of languages will appear. Choose the language you
would like to read and the translation will begin immediately. We
apologize for any mistakes in grammar or nuance, but this is a robotic
translator. Important note: In order for the Google
translator to work, you browser must have a Flash plug-in and
it must be enabled.

The Wrights sketched their first powered aircraft the 1903 Flyer on brown wrapping paper.
We've used this sketch as wallpaper throughout the museum.
As mentioned on our Home Page and the Museum Entrance, this is a
virtual museum.
Although we have airplanes,
artifacts, and displays that we bring to schools and museums, we
don't have a location of our own. On this matter, we are open to
suggestions. Please see
A Unique
Opportunity. Host This virtual museum is maintained by
Bookworks, Inc. as a service for the Wright Brothers Aeroplane
educational organization composed of teachers, pilots, scientists, and aviation enthusiasts who
use the story of the Wright Brothers to inspire young people and get
them thinking about making their own contributions to science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics.
© 1999
The text, contemporary photos,
contemporary illustrations (including engineering drawings),
photomontages, and contemporary videos in this web site are the copyrighted property of
Bookworks, Inc. unless otherwise indicated. They may not be
duplicated without written permission of the copyright holder.
The Wright Brothers Aeroplane Company trademark (reproduced to the
right) is the property of Bookworks, Inc. and may not be duplicated without written permission of the
trademark owner.