We tell the story of the Wright
brothers and the invention of the airplane to
encourage young people to treasure their dreams and do the work
necessary to achieve them. And to make this story come alive, we recreate
the events of early aviation. To learn more about the WBAC and the
thrilling things we do,
click to
download our

The WBAC tours schools across the
United States with a full-size Wright aircraft, a flight simulator,
and four presentations designed around the
national scholastic
benchmarks in
science, technology, math, and social studies. A great way to
augment your STEM education initiatives. See the
Secret of Flight School
While you're looking around, we have a selection of tunes that
were popular during the first days of aviation, performed by Sue
Keller, courtesy the
Ragtime Press:
Available in Française, Español, Português, Deutsch, Россию,
日本, and other
languages, provided your browser has an enabled Flash plug-in.
elcome to the
Wright Brothers Aeroplane Company, a virtual
museum of pioneer aviation. If this is your first visit, read
About the Museum to get your bearings and consult our
Site Map for help in navigating
this web site. If you need specific information on the Wright
brothers or pioneer aviation, the
Museum Index and
Search the
Museum can help you find it.
Our online exhibits are organized into several sections: |

As you can plainly
tell, we're revamping the WBAC web site to make it more
informative, easier to navigate, and more compatible
with the newest browsers. Pages that are
grayed out in navigation lists have been taken offline so
we can revise them. We ask your patience while we're working; we'll get the
info back online as soon as we can.

Oftentimes kind and generous people do
wonderful things for us to keep our educational programs alive and
vibrant. At this juncture, we're grateful to:
David Lightle and
Wright Brothers USA for placing our airplanes in
Chinese aerospace museums where they will introduce Chinese
youth to the Wright story.

If you have a question about the Wright brothers or pioneer
aviation, or have something you'd like to share, please
Contact Us. |

Undecided where to look first? May we
The Wright Catapult
NEW! An in-depth explanation of the Wright brother's
catapult ― why it was invented, when it was first used, and
how it worked. Includes an interactive 3D-PDF
illustration of the catapult so you can explore it
in detail. |
The Wright-Smithsonian Controversy
An in-depth look at an attempt to re-write aviation history
and the events that almost lost the United States one of its
most-prized national treasures. |
Wright Genealogy and Ancestry
We've greatly expanded our genealogy section, tracing the
lineage of the Wright family all the way back to 1050 CE.
We've also included short biographies of each of the Wright
ancestors. |
Airplanes Updated and expanded! The only place on the web where you can see
types of aircraft that the Wright brothers produced! |
The Wright Timeline An illustrated timeline that not only shows the
history of the Wright brothers, but also the important
scientific, political, and cultural events that loomed large
in their lives. |
UFOs – Unbelievable Flying Objects
Over 60
of the most unusual pioneer aircraft that never flew. Proof
positive that if God had intended for man to fly, he would
have given him some common sense. |
Everything a Pilot Could Want One of the
very first mail-order catalogues for
aviation-related doohickeys. You think Sporty's has
cool stuff... |